MCQs is an abbreviation for Multiple Choice Questions. The main purpose of this site is to share knowledge about different subjects anytime, anywhere. This is an educational site that is free for teachers and students.
This is very helpful for teachers to feed, manage and share MCQs to students. There is no restriction on teachers regarding the limit of data entered and they can define their own subjects too. It supports all languages (English, French, Hindi, Urdu, etc).
On the other hand, this site also helps students to use the data feed by their teachers. In this way, students revise the whole subject and solve MCQs to check their abilities anytime using internet. This is also mobile responsive site so that maximum numbers of users can get benefit. We also follow the suggestions received from social media and update site accordingly. is free for teachers and students. The main purpose of this website is to provide a platform for users that can access the knowledge anytime. There are two separate corners, one for teachers and other for students. They can use this easily on their laptops and smart phones.
Teacher’s corner is the separate place where teachers add and update MCQs on the base of different subjects and chapters. When a teacher registers, an ID is assigned to him. Teacher can use both "Teacher's Corner" and "Student's Corner" with his one email address and password that he provided at the time of registration. Teachers share teacher's ID to students so that they can access MCQs data. After the successful preparation of the chapter, when a student completes the test, marks appears and feed in the record of teacher.
Student's Corner
Student’s corner is an area where they register and use the MCQs shared by the teachers. Students use ID provided by the teacher to access MCQs. After preparation, they can check their abilities by conducting test. At the end of test, a result shows and feed in student’s area for further improvement. This result also shows in teacher’s area.