Software Solutions Company

Visitor Counter on Website

Jan. 2, 2023
Author: Asif Shahzad | Full Stack Web Developer

How many people visit my website? This is the question in the mind of every website developer. Today, I give you the solution by using Count API-JavaScript. Just follow there simple steps to integrate:

1. Create Output

Add this code, where you want to show counter.

<h1>Visitors: <span id="visits"></span></h1>


2. Create Namespace and Key

Open the following URL in browser and replace the domain name.{domain of your website}&enable_reset=1

This will give you a key. The key look like below.


This is sample key that I generate for my website. Please keep your key secret for further use.


3. Call the count in Webpage

Now Copy/Paste the following script in between the head tags of your HTML file.

<script async src="{namespace}/{key}?callback=websiteVisits"></script>

Replace {namespace} with your domain name and {key} with your key value.


4. Display count

Copy/Paste the following script at the end before the Body Tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
	function websiteVisits(response) {
    document.querySelector("#visits").textContent = response.value;}

Refresh the website, counter will show visitors. This will increment after every refresh.

Visitor: 1


5. Reset Value

Following code will reset the value to 0.{namespace}/{key}?value={whatever you want, most likely 0}

Replace {namespace} with your domain name and {key} with your key value.


6. Check Total Counts

When you open the website, it will increment count. If you want to check counts without increment, copy/paste the following URL:{namespace}/{key}

Replace {namespace} with your domain name and {key} with your key value.

This will show result without increment.




I have a feeling that the tips and suggestions in this post will be helpful!

Please share this page to friends.

Asif Shahzad | Full Stack Web Developer

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